Sunday, August 16, 2009

Spotting Illuminati Messages

by door32

As you wake up from the imaginary world that is created for you, you more and more start to notice the hidden messages the controlling elites insert into their mass media. The purpose of this is two-fold. Firstly to subliminally brainwash us into acceptance of what is to come by inserting incidences of what is on the agenda into our entertainment media. The second purpose is that is is essential to the occult agenda of these people that we are told because they require our acceptance of our fate in order to create greater power for themselves.

To this end I find that I see their symbolism everywhere now and I am unable to watch their media because the agenda is so obvious in everything I see now. This brings me to the case in point I by chance saw yesterday
My young fella switched on the children’s TV programmes yesterday and when it came on there was a cartoon series called Buzz Lightyear of Starfleet Command

We all know Buzz from Pixar’s Toy Story and having watched that too I do not recall anything overtly symbolic or mind controlling in those Pixar films. However now it is in the format of a TV cartoon series where Buzz and his friends battle the evil Emperor Zurg, I have noticed a change
Let me explain then what messages were encoded into this episode.

1 – Emporor Zurg has an army of cyborgs or mechanically enhanced beings. This would mirror writings I have read on future trends in robotic warfare and the science of extracting the brain information from humans into computers, perhaps even androids in time when the hardware catches up.

2 - Zurg takes over a planet called Roswell that is inhabitaed by small aliens with large almond eyes. These of course would represent us, but also double as an insight into the truth behind the Area 51 residents

3 – Zurg says (in his own words) he will take control of the planet using his “Military Industrial Complex . . . . to enslave the people”. A clear confirmation of what has been happening here for the last 50 years since Eisenhower was US President, and a threat of what is to come as their endgame.

4 – Zurg greases the wheels of his take-over by enlisting the services of a particular evil collaborator. Again this can be seen in the co-opting of elements of our society over the decades and into the future to carry out the New World Order agenda. Here it is compartmentalized but there are plenty of willing assistannts as well as blackmailed ones or frightened ones.

5 – Zurg’s tyranny is actuated by the auto-contruction of an imprisoning environment that engulfs the peoples own lands. This auto-constructing phenomenum is reminiscent of the prison of legislation that is being built around the people of the western countries, especially Britain and the USA. It erects itself regardless of whether you try and stand in it’s way. It engulfs you even if you try to run from it.

6 – There is one feature about the need for the Illuminati to tell you what is to happen to you and that is that they seem to have to also tell you how to stop it. In this cartoon the way in which the auto-contructing prison of tyranny is reversed is simple. All that is needed is to penetrate the system and remove the power core. For example, remove the President, Congress and Senate, or the Members of Parliament, and replace them with yoursleves. Alternatively remove the power by not buying into what they want or sell. Once this was achieved and the fuel removed, Zurg was left to fight man to man with Buzz and of course on those terms Zurg loses without his Military Industrial Complex, Robots and Cronies to fight for him.

7 – That was the good message but of course the Illuminati always tinge that with a message of hopelessness to mind control us into believing we cannot do this ourselves. This is done by having the population shown as helpless to help themselves and they can only be saved by a Superhero. Hence they sit back and wait for someone else to save them. this is the Jesus scenario, waiting for the second coming that has been mind-controlled into every religion

This to the un-awake would look paranoid, and that is understandable, because unless you have done a lot of research into mind control techniques or the work of Edward Bernais or into the methodology of the occult and their agenda then you would not think it were possible
Why now and not in Toy Story? Well back then Pixar stood alone. Now however Pixar has been bought out by Disney. Disney is a key member of the mind control agenda and long time Bilderberg Group and CFR member. You may remember Walt Disney’s open secret links to the intelligence services during the McCarthy era. His companies are now controlled by zionist members of the illuminati and have tentacles in many media outlets including film, television and games.

When I saw this cartoon I first wondered was it an honest warning until I remembered who owns the production of the cartoon. There is a sinister onslaught of mind control in our childrens entertainment. It comes in the form of the behavior of their favourite characters, the ethics they portray, the meaningless rubbish they are taught to desire and venerate. The role models they are given, who are the complete opposite of what their parents would want for them. All designed to create dumbed down grown ups without a sense of value for what is really important in this world

The sub-concious messages that are inserted into programming, as described above in Starfleet Command, are everywhere and are designed to pre-programme the child’s mind to accept the oncoming agenda of the Illuminati. By planting these media images now the mind is not so shocked when they become reality so that the people will not stand up and say no, or fight back. By pre-conditioning them to expect this the people become more accepting and compliant.
This has been going on for decades and is also one of the key methods of fooling the public into going along with the geo-political agenda of the Illuminati Aglo/American Empire. For eample, the use of a controlled mass media over years had turned normal people who would not hurt their fellow man into a people who turn a blind eye to the killing of millions upon millions of asian and arabic people in the name of global commerce, and they now find it acceptible when it is dressed up as “fighting terror”.

This should show you exactly how powerful this tool is that it can easily make people lose their humanity and their very soul. I hope you understand now why the Illuminati use this mind control on your children and that you will prevent this happening by first explaining the hidden messages to your children and secondly by boycotting the mainstream media. If you don’t see the propoganda, they cannot affect your mind

Remember, we do not need a superhero. We are all superheros !

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Would you still need me, would you still feed me, when I'm 64

Yes we still feed the monster 64 years later don't we. We still feed the beast that devours the love from the earth with war and death and hate. We still subscribe to the game the genocidal maniacs who run this world are playing with our lives and with the lives of all those people who died in that blink of an eye 64 years ago today

I come and stand at every door
But no one hears my silent dread
I knock and yet remain unseen
For I am dead, for I am dead
I'm only seven although I've died
In hiroshima long ago
I'm seven now as I was then
When children die they do not grow
My hair was scorched by swirling flame
My eyes grew dim, my eyes grew blind
Death came and turned my bones to dust
And that was scattered by the wind
I need no fruit, I need no rice
I need no sweet, nor even bread
I ask for nothing for myself
For I am dead, for I am dead
All that I ask is that for peace
You fight today, you fight today
So that the children of this world
May live and grow, and laugh and play

by Nazım Hikmet

64 Years on from Hiroshima today, and we haven't learned anything. We still elect maniacs who create war rather than peace. Imagine you were there that day, just imagine the horror of being a civilian going about your day with your family. If you find that hard I dare say there is a reason you cannot comprehend so watch this and see if it helps

As I said I can understand in part why you could not comprehend this. How could you? It is too horrific

How could your predecessors have had a notion of the horror when their only perception of the reality of this bomb was sanitized into a 1951 public information film that made them believe to duck and cover was all that you needed, and once the flash was gone you just go about your day

The Diddle DUM DUM is ironic in retrospect.

Now if only the Japanese had seen this 6 years earlier they might not have been incinerated where they stood. Do you see how the media, in full knowledge of the devastation that occured 6 years earlier brainwashed everyone to think nothing of the acts committed against hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. How this kind of brainwashing is what causes the mind controlled population to justify war and genocide as a good thing if they think their cause is just. They do not see the reality so they pretend it doesn't matter.

Well I looked at another source of brainwashing while researching this. I looked up the Wikipedia entry and found one startling piece of brainwashing in the first couple of paragraphs.

"These are to date the only attacks with nuclear weapons in the history of warfare." - (attributing this statistic to Hakim, Joy (1995). A History of Us: War, Peace and all that Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press)

The author of this book and this Wiki entry seems to want you all to remain unaware of the fact that America has used "Depleted Uranium" bombs in the Gulf War, in Bosnia, in Afghanistan, and in Iraq. Many countries have used DU tipped amunition since the 1970s as an armour piercing measure but bombs containing DU in most peoples' minds constitutes nuclear weapons. Notice how the bombs in Baghdad formed mushroom clouds

The devastation left behind has poisoned the land for millenia and caused horrific birth defects only before seen after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor melted down in Belarus. If you have the stomach take a look for this is what is done in our name and we allow it to continue, brushing it off because we don't have to see so far away.

It isn't only those faceless and nameless foreigners that suffer, because your own servicemen have also a higher rate of birth defects now too. You see the people who start these wars don't care about you and I. All they care about is their profit and their power and their long term agenda. They have been doing it for thousands of years. Financing both sides of a conflict to make a profit and pick up the spoils at the end. Throw in some depopulation as a bonus and gain more control. History has been repeating itself over and over again and the same families are handing on the baton and repeating the process at our expense

When are you all going to say NO MORE. I WILL NOT COMPLY !

If we don't do it this time it will be the last time. This is the largest and most corrupt criminal takeover the world has ever seen. It has plans for genocidal depopulation of between 4 and 5 billion to create a world population maintained below 2 billion and they will have the power to maintain that level by whatever means they deem neccessary. Depopulation will be achieved through famine, disease, and if needs be war including the use of nuclear bombs in a final World War III in central Asia

Do you want this to happen again. I don't. So why don't you join me and fight to stop the madness happening again