Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama breaks his only remaining election promise

They are laughing at you folks, not with you

Barrack Obama made many promises during his election campaign. He swept the willing masses along with promises of Hope and Change. He explained how he was a constitutionalist and respected the founders views. He said that he didn't believe that the Presidency should be accumulating more power outside it's remit and suggested that the Bush Administration had done this.

So since his election what has happened

Before election he said he would ban lobbyists from the Whitehouse. Now most of his appointees are lobbyists

Before election he said he would bring the troops home from Iraq immediately. Now he has sent 30,000 more and there is no fixed timetable for withdrawal

Before election he said no Bills would be rushed through Congress or Senate and would have a minimum of 5 days to read them. Now the Bailout Bill was rushed through, two weeks ago he pushed through an 1,100 page Bill with only 1 day to read it and added a 300 page amendment at 3 AM that nobody could read. Also now the health-care Bill is getting the same "urgent" push

Before election he said he was against secret prison camps, illegal detention and torture. Now although he says he will close Gitmo, the timetable looks like years and these men will not be given freedom or even due process. None of the other secret prison camps around the world will be dealt with and have in fact increased in size

Before election he espoused the rule of law and liberty and freedom and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Now he wants Military Tribunals and to imprison people for ten years for crimes they have not committed YET !

Before election he wanted smaller government not interfering in people's lives. Now he thinks he can sack the board of a private company like Crysler

Before election he said the warrantless wiretapping was illegal. Now he has continued with the programme and allowed the NSA to legally use intercept hubs at exchanges

And his final promise . . . .

Before election he said he would not use Signing Statement on parts of Bills he didn't agree with like Bush did because it was illegal. Now he has done exactly that in the Defense Appropriations Bill

Does this littany of deception finally convince the rest of the die hard Democrat voters that they have been duped in exactly the same way that the Republican voters were duped into voting for Bush?

If you can all see this deception from both men is now real, you are ready to accept that there are no party lines for these people . They are just 2 sides of the same coin, and Rockefeller is flipping that coin

Abandon these liars now and vote for a strict constitutionalist who is not in those two corrupted parties

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